Diagnostic Endoscopy (ENT)
Our specialists perform ear, nose and throat endoscopies which enable them to view the organs’ inner structures using state-of-the-art equipment. We also perform X-rays to diagnose sinusitis and adenoid problems.
Mobile ENT Endoscopy System
This portable system is designed for diagnostic procedures, but can also be used in the procedure room during emergencies. The endoscope has a diameter of only 4mm for easy access to the inner structures of the ear, nose and throat. The advanced diagnostic technology offers our ENT specialists a wider field-of-view, with a higher imaging resolution and clarity. It also allows instant viewing of the organ structures. This ensures greater accuracy in diagnosis.
Ear Endoscopy
Otoendoscopy helps to detect eardrum-related conditions, cysts and ear infections, including the following.
- Perforation of the eardrum (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media – Tubotympanic Disease)
- Cholesteatoma (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media – Atticoantral Disease)
- Earwax and Keratosis Obturans
- Fungal infection (Otomycosis)
- Foreign body in the ear
- Fluid in the middle ear (Secretory Otitis Media)
- Redness and bulging of the eardrum, caused by pus build-up behind it (Acute Otitis Media)
- Retraction of the eardrum (Eustachian Catarrh)

Nasal Endoscopy
The procedure is performed to diagnose conditions such as the following.
- Mucus or mucopurulent nasal discharge
- Sinusitis
- Deviated nasal septum
- Polyps or polypoidal changes
- Hypertrophied Inferior Turbinates
- Concha Bullosa
- Nosebleed
- Hypertrophied Adenoids
- Foreign body in the nose
Throat Endoscopy (Video Laryngoscopy)
The procedure is useful in diagnosing conditions that include the following.
- Acute or chronic laryngitis
- Vocal nodules
- Cancer of the vocal cords or the swallowing region
- Laryngeal oedema
- Vallecular cysts

We use advanced equipment to perform X-rays of the paranasal sinuses (Waters’ view) and adenoids.
For Appointments
Monday to Friday: 08:30AM – 04:30PM
Saturday: 09:00AM – 01:00PM
Saturday: 09:00AM – 01:00PM